Monday, July 7, 2008

Review My Post

You want to know something weird? You get paid for reviewing a post on my blog.

It's true, you get paid - $7.50 to be exact - for writing something on my blog in YOUR blog.

I know
, it's crazy isn't it?

This is a new program by PayPerPost (PPP) which I was talking about a couple days back. When you click on the badge below and sign up with PPP, you get some extra cash. Ka-ching!

What do I get? Well... I get a review from you :D

So, how do we do this again?

Get Free Money (serves 1)

  • A computer/ laptop
  • An internet connection
  • A blog
  • Some wits
  • A dog or a cat
  1. Click on the badge below.
  2. Sign up with PPP (free, and if you write about them, you get a further $20 - ka-ching, ka-ching)
  3. Write a post on your blog reviewing a post on Twenty Something & Cooking (e.g. could be a recipe that you liked / disliked, something interesting I'd said... whatever)
  4. In your post, please include a link to this post. (**Veryyy important**)
  5. Give your dog / cat / fish a belly rub and wait for the money to pop into your bank account.
Too easy.
Click here: